5 Ways to Make Afternoon Healthy

So, here is the daily afternoon scene you might be experiencing! You had your lunch...Minutes later, you feel like you need to sleep and your head starts buzzing. Your desk, work or even TV starts to look boring and you want that sweet cozy feather like mattress to curl up onto and fall asleep. But you have to work! You need to complete an assignment and your body is not cooperating.

 This is the story that many of us experience. So here are the most effective tips to make afternoon healthy and productive.

1. Skip your full lunch and have snacks in small portions whenever you feel hungry. Simply snack on nutritious food (Read: Best Natural Nutrients in Daily Diet) and have small size each time. You can use your lunch break for exercise, walk or simply to be in the sun.

2. Get more light compared to your surroundings. Go out and sit in sunlight or have your meal in sunlight. This will help to lower down melatonin (the sleep hormone) your body produces and has other benefits like vitamin D, reducing risk of osteoporosis, keeping your skin and body healthy etc.

3. Choose protein over crabs. Crabs stimulate serotonin release, which increases sleepiness. Eating less carbohydrates lead to less sleepiness and keeps you active.

4. Walk after lunch: Five to ten minutes of walk after lunch can keep you active and reduce the likeness of falling asleep. Also you have higher energy levels for at least two to three hours and less tension compared to those who do not walk.

5. Involve Isometric exercises as after-lunch-routine. (Also read: 5 Creative Ways to Burn Fat Without Exercise) This simply involves tensing a muscle and holding it for few minutes. You can tense your arms, legs, calf muscles, chest, abdomen, shoulders, back etc. The result is quite significant and your work or daily routine stay unharmed. Not only your body, but also your body is toned.

With these tips, your afternoons are no more dull, shady and sleepy. Changing your habit just a bit can improve your lifestyle (Read: Lifestyle for a Healthy Life) by significant amount and can keep your healthy and strong.
